13th International workshop on Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC

from Monday, 14 November 2022 (08:00) to Friday, 18 November 2022 (20:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
14 Nov 2022
15 Nov 2022
16 Nov 2022
17 Nov 2022
18 Nov 2022
09:50 Welcome and introduction - Agustín Sabio Vera (UAM) Arthur Marques Moraes (Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas) Grigorios Chachamis (LIP Lisbon)   ()
WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE - Dominic Hirschbuehl (University Wuppertal) Oldrich Kepka (Institute of Physics, Prague) (until 11:30) ()
10:00 Underlying event measurements at ATLAS - Zvi Citron (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)   ()
10:20 Particle production as a function of the Underlying Event activity in small and large systems and search for jet-like modifications in ALICE - Omar Vazquez Rueda (University of Houston)   ()
10:40 Drell-Yan production and MC tuning at CMS - Weijie Jin (University of Zürich)   ()
11:00 HADML - towards a deep learning model for hadronization - Andrzej Siodmok (Jagiellonian University)   ()
11:30 --- Coffee break ---
WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems) - Małgorzata Janik (Warsaw University of Technology) Carlota Andres (CPHT, École polytechnique) (until 11:30) ()
10:00 Collectivity in small systems from the small-x perspective - Tolga Altinoluk (National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Warsaw)   ()
10:30 High Multiplicity and small system from CMS - Valentina Mariani   ()
10:50 Recent ATLAS results from small collision systems - Sruthy Jyothi Das (University of Colorado Boulder)   ()
11:10 Strangeness enhancement in dense environment with Pythia8/Angantyr - Smita Chakraborty (Lund University)   ()
11:30 --- Coffee break ---
WG5: Heavy Ions - Isobel Kolbe (IGFAE) Andreas Morsch (CERN) (until 11:30) ()
10:00 ALICE heavy-ion Overview - Cristiane Jahnke (BR Sao Paulo)   ()
10:30 CMS Heavy Ion Overview - Dr. Georgios Krintiras (University of Kansas)   ()
11:00 Recent ATLAS measurements in heavy-ion collisions - Yeonju Go (University of Colorado Boulder)   ()
11:30 --- Coffee break ---
WG2: Double Parton Scattering - Ankita Mehta (University of Hamburg) Peter Plößl (DESY Hamburg) (until 11:30) ()
10:00 The role of multi-parton interactions in doubly-heavy hadron production - Tom Hadavizadeh (Monash University)   ()
10:20 Triple parton scatterings in high-energy hadronic collisions - David d'Enterria (CERN)   ()
10:40 Perturbative Color Correlations in Double Parton Scattering - Mr. Jonathan Mehl   ()
11:00 NLO DGLAP splitting kernels for color non-singlet DPDs - Florian Fabry (DESY)   ()
11:30 --- Coffee break ---
WG4: Small-x and Diffraction - Deniz Sunar Cerci (Adiyaman University) Martin Hentschinski (Universidad de las Americas Puebla) (until 11:30) ()
10:00 Elastic and exclusive forward proton measurements with ATLAS - Peter Bussey   ()
10:20 CMS results on diffraction and low x - Christophe Royon   ()
10:40 Jets separated by a large pseudorapidity gap at the Tevatron and at the LHC - Cristian Baldenegro   ()
10:55 Back-to-back dijets production in DIS at small-$x$: Sudakov suppression and gluon saturation at NLO - Paul Caucal (Subatech, IN2P3, Nantes université)   ()
11:10 Studying saturation effects in dijet production at forward LHC calorimeters - Piotr Kotko (AGH UST)   ()
11:30 --- Coffee break ---
WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE - Dominic Hirschbuehl (University Wuppertal) Oldrich Kepka (Institute of Physics, Prague) (until 13:00) ()
12:00 Soft physics and tuning in Sherpa - Max Knobbe (University of Göttingen)   ()
12:30 Tuning Herwig 7 with the Lund string model - Pratixan Sarmah (Jagiellonian University)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
WG2: Double Parton Scattering - Ankita Mehta (University of Hamburg) Peter Plößl (DESY Hamburg) (until 16:00) ()
14:30 Towards Lattice Calculations of Double Parton Distributions - Max Jaarsma (Universiteit van Amsterdam)   ()
14:50 Double parton distributions of the nucleon from the lattice - Daniel Reitinger (Universität Regensburg)   ()
15:10 Double $J/\psi$ production as a test of parton correlations in double parton scattering - Sergey Koshkarev (University of Tartu)   ()
15:30 Double J/ψ production in pi^-N interactions at COMPASS - Mr. Andrei Gridin (JINR)   ()
15:45 CMS results on Double Parton Scattering - Ankita Mehta (University of Hamburg)   ()
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
WG2: Double Parton Scattering - Ankita Mehta (University of Hamburg) Peter Plößl (DESY Hamburg) (until 17:30) ()
16:30 Comparison of GS09 and Pythia double PDFs - Jonathan Gaunt (University of Manchester)   ()
16:50 Quark mass effects in the splitting part of double parton distributions - Peter Plößl (DESY Hamburg)   ()
17:10 Photon initiated double parton scattering: a new light on the proton structure - Matteo Rinaldi (Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia. Università degli studi di Perugia.Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, sezione Perugia)   ()
WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems) - Carlota Andres (CPHT, École polytechnique) Małgorzata Janik (Warsaw University of Technology) (until 18:30) ()
17:30 Surfacing Odd Harmonics in Two Particle Correlations within the Color Glass Condensate Approach - Víctor Vila (IGFAE / IFJ PAN)   ()
17:50 Diagram of high-energy nuclear collisions from NA61/SHINE - Marek Gazdzicki (Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (PL))   ()
18:10 Non-equilibrium effects and collective dynamics in relativistic proton-nucleus collisions - Lucia Oliva (University of Catania, INFN-Catania)   ()
Welcome reception (until 19:30) ()
WG4: Small-x and Diffraction - Deniz Sunar Cerci (Adiyaman University) Martin Hentschinski (Universidad de las Americas Puebla) (until 13:00) ()
12:00 Multi-parton interactions in the LHC Run 3 and beyond - Antonio Ortiz Velasquez (UNAM, Mexico)   ()
12:15 Maximally entangled proton and charged hadron multiplicity in Deep Inelastic Scattering - Krzysztof Kutak (IFJ PAN)   ()
12:30 Gluon transverse momentum distributions and saturation - Pieter Taels (Universiteit Antwerpen)   ()
12:45 Two-scale evolution from rapidity-ordered BFKL cascade - Dr. Maxim Nefedov (NCBJ, Warsaw)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
WG4: Small-x and Diffraction - Martin Hentschinski (Universidad de las Americas Puebla) Deniz Sunar Cerci (Adiyaman University) (until 16:00) ()
14:30 Recent ALICE results on photon-induced interactions - Evgeny Kryshen   ()
14:50 Double vector meson production in photon - induced interactions at the LHC - Victor Paulo Goncalves (UFPel & WWU Munster)   ()
15:05 Rapidity gap dynamics: color fluctuations vs knockout mechanism - Prof. Mark Strikman (Penn State University)   ()
15:20 Measurement of the cross-section ratio sigma_(\psi(2S))/sigma_(J/\psi(1S)) in exclusive photoproduction at HERA - Grzegorz Grzelak (Warsaw University)   ()
15:40 Back-to-back di-$\pi^{0}$ azimuthal correlations at forward rapidities at STAR - Xiaoxuan Chu (BNL)   ()
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
WG5: Heavy Ions - Andreas Morsch (CERN) Isobel Kolbe (IGFAE) (until 17:30) ()
16:30 Multi-messenger heavy-ion physics with JETSCAPE - Chun Shen (JETSCAPE)   ()
17:00 Angantyr - Leif Lonnblad   ()
WG4: Small-x and Diffraction - Deniz Sunar Cerci (Adiyaman University) Martin Hentschinski (Universidad de las Americas Puebla) (until 18:00) ()
17:30 Energy dependence of C-odd color charge correlations in the proton - Adrian Dumitru (Baruch College, CUNY)   ()
17:45 Transverse momentum broadening from NLL BFKL to all orders in pQCD - Yacine Mehtar-Tani   ()
WG5: Heavy Ions (until 12:30) ()
12:00 Jet quenching in evolving anisotropic matter - Andrey Sadofyev (IGFAE)   ()
12:15 Parton transport in anisotropic media - Joao Barata (BNL)   ()
WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE - Dominic Hirschbuehl (University Wuppertal) Oldrich Kepka (Institute of Physics, Prague) (until 13:30) ()
12:30 EPOS4 - Klaus Werner   ()
13:30 --- Lunch ---
14:30 --- Excursion ---
WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE (until 12:25) ()
12:00 On the low transverse momentum cutoff for minijet production - Sergey Ostapchenko (Hamburg University)   ()
WG2: Double Parton Scattering - Peter Plößl (DESY Hamburg) Ankita Mehta (University of Hamburg) (until 12:55) ()
12:25 Structure and production mechanism of $X(3872)$ in high-energy hadronic reactions. - Antoni Szczurek (Institute of Nuclear Physics, PAN)   ()
WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems) (until 13:25) ()
12:55 Open and hidden heavy-flavour production in small systems with ALICE - Fabio Colamaria (INFN Bari)   ()
13:30 --- Lunch ---
WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems) (until 15:00) ()
14:30 Collectivity in small systems: status, prospects, interdisciplinary connections - Giuliano Giacalone (Universität Heidelberg)   ()
W3 + W5 Common Session - Isobel Kolbe (IGFAE) Carlota Andres (CPHT, École polytechnique) Małgorzata Janik (Warsaw University of Technology) Andreas Morsch (CERN) (until 16:00) ()
15:00 Two-particle transverse momentum correlations as a tool to assess viscous effects in pp, p--Pb, and Pb--PB systems with the ALICE detector - Víctor González (Wayne State University)   ()
15:20 Shedding light on pp and p--Pb collisions through forward energy detection - Chiara Oppedisano (INFN Torino)   ()
15:40 Helix string fragmentation and charged particle correlations with ATLAS - Sarka Todorova   ()
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems) - Małgorzata Janik (Warsaw University of Technology) Carlota Andres (CPHT, École polytechnique) (until 17:00) ()
16:30 Flow of identified hadrons in p--Pb and pp collisions with ALICE - Zuzana Moravcova (NBI)   ()
16:45 Azimuthal correlations in photoproduction and deep inelastic 𝑒𝑝 scattering at HERA - Peter Bussey   ()
WG5: Heavy Ions - Andreas Morsch (CERN) Isobel Kolbe (IGFAE) (until 18:00) ()
17:00 Enhancement of Charm from Gluon Splitting in HI Collisions - Gian michele Innocenti   ()
17:20 LHCb measurements of Quarkonia Production in Ultraperipheral PbPb collisions - Hengne Li (South China Normal University)   ()
17:40 CMS results on Heavy Flavor Flow - Andre Govinda Stahl   ()
WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE (until 18:30) ()
18:00 News on the cluster model - Simon Plätzer   ()
Workshop dinner (until 23:30) ()
Summary - Oldrich Kepka (Institute of Physics, Prague) Dominic Hirschbuehl (University Wuppertal) (until 12:30) ()
12:00 Summary: WG1 - Dominic Hirschbuehl (University Wuppertal) Oldrich Kepka (Institute of Physics, Prague)   ()
Summary (until 13:00) ()
12:30 Summary: WG2 - Peter Plößl (DESY Hamburg)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Summary (until 15:00) ()
14:30 WG 3 Small Systems Summary - Małgorzata Janik (Warsaw University of Technology) Carlota Andres (CPHT, École polytechnique)   ()
Summary (until 15:30) ()
15:00 Summary WG4: Diffraction and Small x - Martin Hentschinski (Universidad de las Americas Puebla)   ()
Summary (until 16:00) ()
15:30 WG 5 - Heavy Ion Summary - Isobel Kolbe (IGFAE)   ()
16:00 --- Coffee break ---