12-16 June 2023
Instituto de Fisica Teorica (IFT) UAM/CSIC Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone

Participant List

38 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alejandro Saez Gonzalvo IFT UAM-CSIC
Alessandro Conigli IFT UAM-CSIC
Alessandro De Santis University of Roma Tor Vergata and INFN
Alessandro Lupo University of Edinburgh
Andrea Shindler RWTH - University of Aachen
Antonin Portelli The University of Edinburgh
Antonio Pich IFIC, Univ. Valencia - CSIC
Biagio Lucini Swansea University (UK)
Bipasha Chakraborty University of Southampton
Carlos Pena IFT UAM-CSIC
Claudio Bonanno IFT UAM/CSIC Madrid
Craig McNeile University of Plymouth
Diogo Boito University of Sao Paulo
Elvira Gamiz Universidad de Granada
Federico Mescia Universitat de Barcelona
Fernando Pérez Panadero IFT UAM-CSIC
Gregorio Herdoiza IFT UAM-CSIC
Guido Martinelli Sapienza Università di Roma
Hartmut Wittig Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Mainz
Jorge Baeza-Ballesteros University of Valencia/IFIC
Jorge Luis Dasilva Golan IFT/UAM-CSIC
Jose Cembranos IPARCOS-UCM
Judd Harrison University of Glasgow
Julien Frison DESY Zeuthen
Kalman Szabo Forschungszentrum Juelich
Luigi Del Debbio The University of Edinburgh
Margarita Garcia Perez Instituto de Fisica Teorica UAM-CSIC
Marieke Postma nikhef
Matteo Di Carlo University of Edinburgh
Mattia Bruno Universita' di Milano-Bicocca
Nikolai Husung University of Southampton
Peter Stoffer UZH and PSI
Pietro Butti IFT UAM-CSIC
Pilar Hernández University of Valencia
Rajan Gupta Los Alamos National Lab
Simon Kuberski Helmholtz Institute Mainz
Tanmoy Bhattacharya Los Alamos National Laboratory
Vera Guelpers The University of Edinburgh
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