Back-to-back dijets production in DIS at small-$x$: Sudakov suppression and gluon saturation at NLO

18 Nov 2022, 10:55
WG4: Small-x and Diffraction WG4: Small-x and Diffraction


Paul Caucal (Subatech, IN2P3, Nantes université)


We study inclusive dijet production in deep inelastic scattering at NLO within the Color Glass Condensate effective field theory. We begin by considering this process in general small-$x$ kinematics. We first show that the differential cross-section is infrared and collinear safe. We demonstrate the factorization of large rapidity logarithms that can then be resummed via JIMWLK renormalization, and we extract the NLO impact factor for which we provide explicit expressions.

We then specialize in the transverse back-to-back kinematics where this process is sensitive to unpolarized and linearly polarized parts of the Weizsäcker-Williams (WW) gluon distribution. We isolate in the impact factor the large Sudakov double and single logarithms at finite $N_c$. We show that small-$x$ and Sudakov resummation can be performed simultaneously provided that the small-$x$ evolution of the WW distribution, formulated in terms of the projectile rapidity, is amended by a kinematic constraint that imposes lifetime ordering of successive gluon emissions. We also comment on non-logarithmically enhanced terms in the impact factor that can break TMD factorization at NLO in the saturation regime. We conclude by discussing on-going efforts towards the numerical evaluation of the NLO dijet cross-section at the EIC.

[1] P. Caucal, F. Salazar and R. Venugopalan, JHEP 2021 (11), 1-108 18,2021
[2] P. Caucal, F. Salazar, B. Schenke and R. Venugopalan, arXiv:2208.13872

Primary authors

Paul Caucal (Subatech, IN2P3, Nantes université) Dr. Raju Venugopalan (BNL) Dr. Björn Schenke (BNL) Dr. Farid Salazar (UCLA)

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