ALICE heavy-ion Overview (in session "WG5: Heavy Ions")
Angantyr (in session "WG5: Heavy Ions")
Azimuthal correlations in photoproduction and deep inelastic 𝑒𝑝 scattering at HERA (in session "WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems)")
Back-to-back di-$\pi^{0}$ azimuthal correlations at forward rapidities at STAR (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
Back-to-back dijets production in DIS at small-$x$: Sudakov suppression and gluon saturation at NLO (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
CMS Heavy Ion Overview (in session "WG5: Heavy Ions")
CMS results on diffraction and low x (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
CMS results on Double Parton Scattering (in session "WG2: Double Parton Scattering")
CMS results on Heavy Flavor Flow (in session "WG5: Heavy Ions")
Collectivity in small systems from the small-x perspective (in session "WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems)")
Collectivity in small systems: status, prospects, interdisciplinary connections (in session "WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems)")
Comparison of GS09 and Pythia double PDFs (in session "WG2: Double Parton Scattering")
Diagram of high-energy nuclear collisions from NA61/SHINE (in session "WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems)")
Double $J/\psi$ production as a test of parton correlations in double parton scattering (in session "WG2: Double Parton Scattering")
Double J/ψ production in pi^-N interactions at COMPASS (in session "WG2: Double Parton Scattering")
Double parton distributions of the nucleon from the lattice (in session "WG2: Double Parton Scattering")
Double vector meson production in photon - induced interactions at the LHC (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
Drell-Yan production and MC tuning at CMS (in session "WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE")
Elastic and exclusive forward proton measurements with ATLAS (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
Energy dependence of C-odd color charge correlations in the proton (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
Enhancement of Charm from Gluon Splitting in HI Collisions (in session "WG5: Heavy Ions")
EPOS4 (in session "WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE")
Flow of identified hadrons in p--Pb and pp collisions with ALICE (in session "WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems)")
Gluon transverse momentum distributions and saturation (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
HADML - towards a deep learning model for hadronization (in session "WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE")
Helix string fragmentation and charged particle correlations with ATLAS (in session "W3 + W5 Common Session")
High Multiplicity and small system from CMS (in session "WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems)")
Jet quenching in evolving anisotropic matter (in session "WG5: Heavy Ions")
Jets separated by a large pseudorapidity gap at the Tevatron and at the LHC (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
LHCb measurements of Quarkonia Production in Ultraperipheral PbPb collisions (in session "WG5: Heavy Ions")
Maximally entangled proton and charged hadron multiplicity in Deep Inelastic Scattering (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
Measurement of the cross-section ratio sigma_(\psi(2S))/sigma_(J/\psi(1S)) in exclusive photoproduction at HERA (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
Multi-messenger heavy-ion physics with JETSCAPE (in session "WG5: Heavy Ions")
Multi-parton interactions in the LHC Run 3 and beyond (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
News on the cluster model (in session "WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE")
NLO DGLAP splitting kernels for color non-singlet DPDs (in session "WG2: Double Parton Scattering")
Non-equilibrium effects and collective dynamics in relativistic proton-nucleus collisions (in session "WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems)")
On the low transverse momentum cutoff for minijet production (in session "WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE")
Open and hidden heavy-flavour production in small systems with ALICE (in session "WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems)")
Particle production as a function of the Underlying Event activity in small and large systems and search for jet-like modifications in ALICE (in session "WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE")
Parton transport in anisotropic media (in session "WG5: Heavy Ions")
Perturbative Color Correlations in Double Parton Scattering (in session "WG2: Double Parton Scattering")
Photon initiated double parton scattering: a new light on the proton structure (in session "WG2: Double Parton Scattering")
Quark mass effects in the splitting part of double parton distributions (in session "WG2: Double Parton Scattering")
Rapidity gap dynamics: color fluctuations vs knockout mechanism (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
Recent ALICE results on photon-induced interactions (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
Recent ATLAS measurements in heavy-ion collisions (in session "WG5: Heavy Ions")
Recent ATLAS results from small collision systems (in session "WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems)")
Shedding light on pp and p--Pb collisions through forward energy detection (in session "W3 + W5 Common Session")
Soft physics and tuning in Sherpa (in session "WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE")
Strangeness enhancement in dense environment with Pythia8/Angantyr (in session "WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems)")
Structure and production mechanism of $X(3872)$ in high-energy hadronic reactions. (in session "WG2: Double Parton Scattering")
Studying saturation effects in dijet production at forward LHC calorimeters (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
Summary WG4: Diffraction and Small x (in session "Summary")
Summary: WG1 (in session "Summary")
Summary: WG2 (in session "Summary")
Surfacing Odd Harmonics in Two Particle Correlations within the Color Glass Condensate Approach (in session "WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems)")
The role of multi-parton interactions in doubly-heavy hadron production (in session "WG2: Double Parton Scattering")
Towards Lattice Calculations of Double Parton Distributions (in session "WG2: Double Parton Scattering")
Transverse momentum broadening from NLL BFKL to all orders in pQCD (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
Triple parton scatterings in high-energy hadronic collisions (in session "WG2: Double Parton Scattering")
Tuning Herwig 7 with the Lund string model (in session "WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE")
Two-particle transverse momentum correlations as a tool to assess viscous effects in pp, p--Pb, and Pb--PB systems with the ALICE detector (in session "W3 + W5 Common Session")
Two-scale evolution from rapidity-ordered BFKL cascade (in session "WG4: Small-x and Diffraction")
Underlying event measurements at ATLAS (in session "WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE")
Welcome and introduction
WG 3 Small Systems Summary (in session "Summary")
WG 5 - Heavy Ion Summary (in session "Summary")
Include materials from selected contributions