Perturbative Color Correlations in Double Parton Scattering

17 Nov 2022, 10:40
WG2: Double Parton Scattering WG2: Double Parton Scattering


Mr. Jonathan Mehl


We study the possible contribution of color correlations to the observable final states in Double Parton Scattering (DPS). We show that there is a specific class of Feynman diagrams related to the so-called 1->2 processes when the Sudakov suppression of color correlations is partially relaxed.
Therefore, the contributions of color correlations do not decrease with the transverse scales. We explain that while the contribution of color correlations in GPD may be significant, there is an additional source of smallness in the cross sections since the created particles and complex conjugated ones in both hard processes must be close to each other in space-time. Consequently, the color correlations contribute up to 2-5% in the four jet final states in Tevatron and LHC kinematics. However, the effective relaxation of Sudakov suppression gives hope that although they are small relative to color singlet correlations, they eventually can be observed.
This talk is based on the preprint: arXiv:2210.13282 by B. Blok and J. Mehl.

Primary authors

Mr. Jonathan Mehl Prof. Boris Blok

Presentation Materials

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