Towards Lattice Calculations of Double Parton Distributions

14 Nov 2022, 14:30
WG2: Double Parton Scattering WG2: Double Parton Scattering


Max Jaarsma (Universiteit van Amsterdam)


In a factorization approach to double parton scattering, the initial state is described by double parton distributions (DPDs). These functions are currently poorly constrained by experiment, but provide a view on interesting correlations between partons in the hadron. We show that DPDs can be calculated from first principles using lattice QCD via the quasi-PDF approach, opening up a new way to constrain these distributions. Specifically, we argue that there exists a factorization formula between the physical lightcone-DPDs and the lattice calculable quasi-DPDs that is governed by a perturbative matching kernel. We verify the perturbative nature of the matching kernel at one-loop order by showing that the lightcone- and quasi-DPDs share the same infrared behaviour and that the matching kernel is free of logarithms involving infrared energy scales.

Primary authors

Max Jaarsma (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Wouter Waalewijn Rudi Rahn

Presentation Materials

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