16-20 June 2025
Europe/Madrid timezone

Code of Conduct

All visitors and members of the IFT are expected to behave in a professional manner and to create and maintain an environment that is scientifically productive and enjoyable for everyone at the institute, regardless of their personal attributes including but not limited to: age, career stage/path, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, medical condition, nationality, physical appearance, political affiliation, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, race, religion, or sexual orientation.

Verbal, non-verbal, and/or physical harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Harassment includes verbal or physical abuse, offensive comments, inappropriate and/or unwanted physical contact, sexual attention or innuendo, deliberate intimidation, stalking, retaliation, as well as taking pictures or video of an individual without their consent.

All communication (oral or written) should be appropriate for a professional audience which includes people of very diverse backgrounds. Sexist, racist, or exclusionary language, comments, images, music or jokes are not appropriate at any time. Respect for others should be present at all times. This is especially important for senior personnel since less experienced researchers may be reluctant to express their objections or discomfort regarding unwelcome or disrespectful behavior.

Finally, the IFT encourages the use of a non-sexist and inclusive language for all oral and written communications

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