Diagram of high-energy nuclear collisions from NA61/SHINE

14 Nov 2022, 17:50
WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems) WG3: High Multiplicities (small systems)


Marek Gazdzicki (Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (PL))


Many new particles, mostly hadrons, are produced in high-energy collisions between atomic nuclei. The most popular models describing the hadron production process are based on the creation, evolution, and decay of resonances, strings, or quark-gluon plasma. The validity of these models is under vivid discussion, and it seems that a common framework for this discussion is missing. Here we introduce the diagram of high-energy nuclear collisions, where domains of the dominance of different hadron-production processes in the laboratory-controlled parameters, the collision energy, and the nuclear-mass number of colliding nuclei are indicated.
We argue the recent experimental results, in particular by NA61/SHINE, locate boundaries between the domains, allowing for the first time to sketch an example diagram. Finally, we discuss the immediate implications for experimental measurements and model development following the sketch.

Primary author

Marek Gazdzicki (Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (PL))

Presentation Materials

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