16 Nov 2022, 12:30
WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE WG1: Monte Carlo, MB, and UE


Klaus Werner


We report about the very recent release (4.0.0) of the EPOS event generator, with many new developments.

The basic principle of treating (nucleonic or partonic) scatterings in parallel (the main element of the EPOS approach), based on S-matrix theory, has been used for two decades. But there is a major problem. For inclusive cross sections (but only for those!), important cancellations occur, leading to factorization (in pp) or binary scaling (in AA). In a parallel scattering scenario, these cancellations must come out (they cannot be imposed), which requires very high precision and good strategies -- and this is provided with EPOS4. We discuss these theoretical issues, and applications from 4GeV to 13TeV.

Primary author

Klaus Werner

Presentation Materials

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