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14-16 September 2022
Instituto de Física Teórica UAM-CSIC
Europe/Madrid timezone

Efficient UHECR simulations with PriNCe and what they taught us so far

14 Sep 2022, 16:15
IFT, Sala Roja (red room)

IFT, Sala Roja (red room)


Xavier Rodrigues (Ruhr University Bochum)


In this talk I will introduce PriNCe (Heinze et al 2019) as a novel open-source Python software for UHECR propagation. The computational efficiency of PriNCe allows the user to perform vast scans of the source parameters, the emitted spectral shape, and the mass composition. I then discuss recent applications of the code, such as the first joint fit to Auger and Telescope Array (TA) spectral and composition data. The fit favors the presence of a local source of UHECRs in the Northern Hemisphere at the 5.6$\sigma$ level compared to the scenario where both experiments observe only an isotropic source population. I comment on possible source candidates based on the predicted distance and mass composition.

Primary author

Xavier Rodrigues (Ruhr University Bochum)

Presentation Materials

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